Drop test Challenge

Aim = In this challenge .k file was provided in the well meshed format . We have to perfom a drop test analysis on the given meshed model. by providing a appropriated velocity and                       boundary conditions.
Explanation of model provided.
The .k file contains two elements one is solid and another one is shell ,The bottom portion plate is solid and it is floor.Also the uppermost part is cell phone model and this is shell element ,we have to apply the boundary contrained in such a way that the phone should fall on the plate with certain velocity, And we have to observe the deformation on the cell phone.
But in this case I applied elastic material to the plate and peicewise linear plactic material to cell phone ,and a am getting the deformation and strain generation in both the plate and cell phone.
Procedure for pre-processing of a model.
1) At first i applied boundary spc (single point constraint) to the plate sided node so that it can not move during the fall of cell phone on it).

2) Then by going in the initial tab i applied a velocity to cell phone,10000 mm/s in the negative z direction so that the drop phenomenon is taken under consideration.

3) After that material card was created  , there are two material model ,first one is elastic and second one is linear peicewise plastic material
elastic matrial input data:-
mat-24 material data input:-

4) After the material defination there are two elements (shell and solid ) for these two i defined section shell and section solid

5) After defining the sections , by executing the part tab in the key-word manager assingining of material id's and section id's was done .
6) After that the automatic surface to surface contact was defined between the plate and cell phone with the master as plate and slave as cellphone.
7)contol termination card wad defined with the analysis run time of 0.2 milli sec ,After that the database output parameter file was included such that binary d3plot, Also ascii options
with the result capturing time of 5e-4 each itteration.

Results extracted:-
